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Top Best School Management Software


  By Arsal Software| April 8, 2021| School Management ERP System Software|

The whole educational system has been collapsed during the lockdown period of the novel corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) not only in india but across the world. Everything changes after the COVID-19 disease, people started working from home and technology played important role in keeping the world connected even when no one can go outside from their houses.

When the every industry is affected due to this COVID-19 pandemic, the educational sector was facing the biggest challenges. The Schools had been closed due to corona virus. In this time schools those using School Management Software were able to easily manage the situation. There are so many schools that are already using the school management software even before the pandemic.

The schools that used School Management Software were able to conduct Live Classes, Online Exam, Send Homework on Student App, LMS, take Online Fee through a single School Software. Students can attend and submit their homework, exam, online exam, can see reoprt card, activity, notices, news, school calendar. By using School ERP admin can easily manage the administrative tasks from the comfort of their houses.

  How School ERP is Benificial to Schools in this Pandemic Situation

  • School Software provide continuity in education in this pandemic situation
  • Smart way to conduct assessments from home
  • Students can see their report card from home safely
  • It helps students to attend online exam
  • Teachers can conduct live meeting, online exam through the ERP Software.