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Admin Module In School Management Software

Admin Module helps the school administration to add and manage the general information of school. Along with this, the admin can grant access of modules to the users. Admin can also see the application log staffwise, date wise and userwise.

An Admin Module consists of a dashboard which includes graphical representation of total no. students, staff and no. of male and females classwise, total fee collection and expenses and so on. In the admin module admin can also see details of activities carried out by the users.

Using our School Management Software Admin Module, higher authorities of school can decide whether to give login access to the user or not.

School Management Software

 Features of Admin Module in School ERP

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Simple, Powerful & Affordable School Management System


Our programmers wisely understand your requirement, and make change with user experience.


We provide everything you will ever need to run an education institution. It is fully log based, accurate, error control and result oriented application.


We endeavors for delivering better, faster and cost effective services, enabling our customers to serve their customers better