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Fee Management School ERP Software

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Fee Software In School Management System

Maintaining fees in a school is a very difficult task and collection of the fee is the most important responsibility of the school. With the help of Arsal School Fee Management Software, you can easily collects student fees by fews click which is flawless.

Our Student Fee Management Software provides the best solution to schools to maintain their fees scheduling, collection & reporting process.

Our School Fee Management System Software has features to collect fees from parents via mobile application, over the internet and physically via submitting cheque or cash to school. Our software reporting allows different type of reports based on classwise, headwise, payment modes, daywise, pending fee etc.

We integrate online fee payment gateway that is highly beneficial (safe and secure) for the school and for the parents as it saves considerable time and efforts.

Our School Software has Form Sale through which school can maintain form sale fees information separately under registration fee head.


Arsal Software School Management Software allows to defined different type of fee structure based on fee categories.

Our School Management Software provides daily updated reports on fees collections ( daily collection, monthly collection, yearly collection, etc. ), pending fee list and many more.

 Features of Fee Management System

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Simple, Powerful & Affordable School Management System


Our programmers wisely understand your requirement, and make change with user experience.


We provide everything you will ever need to run an education institution. It is fully log based, accurate, error control and result oriented application.


We endeavors for delivering better, faster and cost effective services, enabling our customers to serve their customers better