School College Management ERP Software is the advance method of data management for schools, colleges to manage resources, information on a single platform to perform more work in a lesser amount of time with higher accuracy.
Arsal Educational ERP is one of the most preferable and trusted online school college management software providing services to many institutes from last twelve years. It is an integrated solution which is developed to benefit schools, colleges in terms of REPORTS and ROI.
Easy To Use, Multi School, Branches Support, Multi User Role Based Access, Resonable Price, 30+ Modules, Graphical Reports, 12x7 Support, Mobile Compatible, Exceptional Accuracy and a vast array of outstanding features make Arsal Educational ERP an ideal and reliable School College Management ERP Software for schools, colleges.
Anything you are looking for in a institute management system, we’ve got you covered! The various modules available in our ERP facilitate all the processes of your institution, from admission of new students to generating transfer certificates. School College software powerful reporting & analysis tool makes your institute automated & paperless ultimately saves time, resources & cost.
A perfect management software, to manage your institute smartly, reducing complexity and serving information simply.
Providing 12x7 online services at Bulandshahr Uttar Pradesh.
Designed to engage teachers and parents. No expertise required to quickly accomplish a task.
We offer lowest price in market compare to others without compromising in quality, which gives our customer best Return On Investment.
We provide you the best support. Our creative thoughts and technological advancements satisfy technical needs of our clients.
Educational ERP Software have following advanced modules to manage your institute efficiently!
We offer's the Best School College Management Software for a Better Administrative Operation.
School Info. | Classes | Sections |
User Privilege |
App Log |
Login Log | Dashboard |
Create FY (Financial Year)
Student | Staff
SMS | Email Log
Template | SMS Setting
Email Setting
Add | Edit
View | List
View Log
Add | Edit | Delete/Resotre
Send Login | Staff List | I-Card
Staff Info. | Certificate | Graph
Staff Display
Edit Salary | Edit Record
Remark Att. | Issue Loan
EPF | ESI Reports | Salary Register
Staff List | Annual Salary
Monthly Yearly Reports
Mark Attendance
List Attendance
Staffwise | Monthwise | Yearwise Reports
Assign Leave | Apply Leave
Cancel Leave
Balance Leave | Leave Record
Create Leave
Admission Enquiry | Add | Edit |
Delete | Bulk Update | Promote
Bulk Pic Update | Student Login
Student List | Certificates | RTE
Student I-Card | Tc Issued
Student Info | Graph | SR Order
Marks | Student Info
Exam Wise | Term Wise
Report Card | Subjects | Exams
Grades | Assign Subject
Exam Type | Report URL
Mark Attendance
List Attendance
Create | Edit | Delete | Evaluate
List | Evalution | Graph
Add | Edit
View | List | View Log
Fuel Details | Assign Transport
Student List | Transaport Details |
Ledger | Vehicle | Stopage
Form Sale | Fees | Monthly Fee | Non-Monthly Fee | Online Fee | Fee Bill | Pending Fee | Ledger | Concession | Fee Collection | Duplicate Slip | Fee Realise
Add Bill | Add Expenses
Expense | Vendor |
Payment Voucher
Expense Head | Vendor | Setting
Contra Entry | Cash Book
Profit/Loss | Contra Entry
Bank Account | Opening Balance
Payment Gateway
Add | Edit | Issue | Return Book |
Periodicals | Newspaper Attendance
Barcode | Fine Recieved |
Due Book | Search Books | Settings
Section | Subject | Teacher
Setting | Time Table Execution
Class Wise | Teacher Wise
Absenties Arrangement
Teacher Alloatment
Add | Assign
List | Log
Add Lecture | Edit Lecture
List | View By
Add | Update Room
Hostel Assign Room
Hostel OutEntry | Hostel InEntry
Hostel Room List | Hostelers List
Hostel Outing Log
Add Edit Question | Add Edit Exam
Evaluate Exam | Question List
Exam List | Answer Sheet
Marks Scored | Unattented List
Stock Master | Stock Purchase/Return | Stock issue/Return | Stock Sales Return|
Stock Purchase Edit | Stock Mark Damage
Visitor Entry | Visitor Exit
Visitor List | Generate Visitor Pass
Add Edit | Datewise List |
Userwise List | Log | User | Urls
Add | Confirm
List | Website Code | Graph
Our programmers wisely understand your requirement, and make change with user experience.
We provide everything you will ever need to run an education institution. It is fully log based, accurate, error control and result oriented application.
We endeavors for delivering better, faster and cost effective services, enabling our customers to serve their customers better